Is there an hourly car parking nearby?
When my work is late at night, I come home by a company car. Is there an hourly car parking available near by Share house ZEZE OSAKA?
DATE : 2018/04/09
Is there an hourly car parking nearby?
When my work is late at night, I come home by a company car. Is there an hourly car parking available near by Share house ZEZE OSAKA?
There are several hourly car parking nearby.
When the staff goes to ZEZE OSAKA by company car, we use the nearby hourly car parking, but we have not been troubled with parking so far.
As there are two large hourly car parking along the road from “Imafuku-tsurumi station” on the subway Nagahori Tsurumi Ryokuchi Line to ZEZE OSAKA, you can also check the rates when you visit.
Please check Local Spot! ≫ ZEZE OSAKA LOCAL SPOT
DATE : 2021.05.25
DATE : 2021.03.28
DATE : 2021.03.18
DATE : 2021.03.16
DATE : 2021.03.15
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