I will be transferred so, need to leave the TESEN share house.
By when should I be notified of my move-out?
And how should I notify you?
DATE : 2020/06/27
I will be transferred so, need to leave the TESEN share house.
By when should I be notified of my move-out?
And how should I notify you?
Thank you for staying TESEN share house. Did you enjoy the share house life?
Regarding the notice of move-out,
You must notify us one month before your leaving date.
“Cancellation notice” is attached to the contract you receive when you move in. Please fill in the necessary information and hand it to us.
Even after moving out, here is your home. Please come to play anytime.
#CATEGORY : Q&A / シェアハウス全般のこと
#TAG :
DATE : 2021.05.25
DATE : 2021.03.28
DATE : 2021.03.18
DATE : 2021.03.16
DATE : 2021.03.15
Visiting, moving in, and living Your questions and concerns. Let us hear from you. TESEN staff will respond to each and every one of your messages.
We'll be there for your unique thoughts.
Enrich your life with a shared house.
And as many people as possible.
LINE ID @645okycm
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