シェアハウスZEZE OSAKA がデザイン界で世界的に権威ある英国のデザインサイトdezeen(デジーン)に掲載されました!
Swing aimed to make create a variety of spaces within the limited space of the 140-square-metre building so that its residents could feel at home.
“There are two core concepts,” explained Swing’s Ryusuke Anezaki.
“To secure the maximum space under the limited condition, which was a two-story building on a compact site, so that eight people can live together with being as relaxed as they can, and to provide various places where each of the residents can feel they belong.”
To encourage the creation of a community within the home Swing created visual connections between the spaces and placed the door so that it directly opens in the living room.
The studio also aimed to create spaces that are not usually possible in apartment blocks, like the high-ceilinged main living room and mezzanine.
“On the first floor, the living and kitchen area is directly connected with the entrance, which organically creates communications among the residents,” Anezaki told Dezeen.
“Also, another living room on the mezzanine, which is about two meters above, is vertically spatially connected by the open-space stairs. We designed it to show the various sceneries of the life of the residents, being relaxed, moving around, going out or eating, in one space.”
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