自称、大阪で一番お洒落なシェアハウス「ZEZE OSAKA」が海外の建築デザイン系サイトArchDaily・designboom・LEIBALの3つに掲載されました。これは、なかなか凄いことのようです・・・。
ZEZE OSAKAを設計して頂いた一級建築事務所 株式会社スウィング 様、ありがとうございました。
| 掲載された海外建築デザイン系サイト
| ArchDaily
ZEZE OSAKAのページも250人以上のいいね!が付いています。嬉しい!
One of the most important elements in share house projects is to have spaces that cannot be experienced in a studio apartment, so we thoroughly considered our approach to the height of each room, as well as making the most of its floor space.
| designboom
イタリアの老舗超巨大デザインサイト。建築やグラフィック、アート、カルチャーを中心に掲載しています。イタリアのデザイナさんからは、ZEZE OSAKAがどう見えるのでしょうか。
one of the most important elements in shared house projects is to have spaces that cannot be experienced in a studio apartment. therefore, swing thoroughly considered its approach to the height of each room, as well as making the most of its floor space in the ‘zeze osaka’ project in japan. the architects’ image for the shared house was that it should be a festive space in everyday life, where the ‘ordinary and extraordinary’ blend into that space having both ‘individual and common’ features.
Share House is a minimal home located in Osaka, Japan, designed by SWING. With this project, the main objective was to expand the space as much as possible within a 100m2 area. One of the most important elements within the share house project was to have spaces that cannot be experienced in a studio apartment, so the architects thoroughly considered their approach to the height of each room, as well as making the most of its floor space. The architects made sure to keep an appropriate height for each space, by considering the balance between the appropriate space for the bedrooms and an open feeling for the shared living room.
デザインサイトでの露出も増えてきました「ZEZE OSAKA」、